Saturday, March 1, 2014

Product Review: Doonya Bollywood Dance And Fitness

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There's lots of snow on the ground and the weather is brutally cold. The old winter has not giving up just yet. Nowhere to go and it is freezing cold for the kids to play outside in the snow, so what better way to spend the day than to work out with mama.

I have really been slacking on my workout these days and my body is telling me it is time to get back to moving and keep it going. I guess it is part of the weather that makes you uninspired to even workout. Finally, I am up and moving again. 

Recently, I received some complimentary DVDs from Doonya, which is a type of a Bollywood dance workout. It is fast and fun to do even though I don't understand the songs. (LOL) I am new to this workout and I know later on I will be able to keep up. I will do a product review about this workout around this week, so stay tune. In the mean time, here is a video of me and my kids. 

You know you are a mother when sometimes, workout doesn't mean your ME time. Sometimes, kids want to workout with me. And why not! Instead of getting rid of the kids or stop working out,  I let them workout with me. In the end, I could no longer follow along the DVD because of my kids, so I end up working out and playing at the same time. Life Of A Mama! My already skinny picky-eater man loves to workout with me, so as my girl. And guess what? Both of them are fast asleep after moving around with me. Ahhhh... some quite time for me and dadda. Enjoy! 

(This is now an updated review about the Doonya Workout)

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What Is Doonya?
Doonya is your happy workout inspired by our Bollywood-dance roots. Our signature class, DVD series and online media content features easy-to-follow cardio, strength-building fitness routines perfectly choreographed to the latest high energy, Bollywood-inspired music. We envision a world where working out isn’t work–it’s a blast. Much like Bollywood itself, Doonya offers students an opportunity to leave their troubles behind as they dance their worries away. While following a Doonya routine, you are a Bollywood star at the same time that you’re working out your entire body. You’ll be sweaty, but you’ll be smiling.

- I am definitely enjoying this workout and like it says, if you can't keep up with the moves, it is alright just as long as you keep moving. The music's upbeat and makes you just want to dance to your own moves and rhythm when you can't keep up. You know, I can move, but there are times I can't keep up with the DVD, but that's alright. Because I know I am having fun, I am sweating, my bum, my thighs, my arms, and my tummy's burning up (in a good way) and I know it is working. It is fast, fun, and what a great way to change up your workout so you don't end up stuck in a workout rut. Thank you so much, Doonya! Awe! Just watching the video makes me want to go workout now. If you'll excuse me, I am off to do some Doonya. Don't forget to check out Doonya's website at, and see if it is something you would like to try. 

- Below is another 11-minute video of me when I first did the Doonya (taken on the same day as the video above). I was trying to keep up with the moves and didn't know much about it. Doonya would be something fun to do when you get together with your friends and have a workout party. You do get really tired and sweaty, but when you do it with friends or any of your family members, it's fun! Hope you enjoy! 

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  1. This looks so much fun. Nothing can beat the feeling of getting fit and having fun with your kids at the same time.

  2. Hahaha.. this is very funny. I can relate sis because when I work out my daughter join me too..

  3. Can't wait to find it and try it out

  4. I try to keep up with upbeat music for exercise but sometimes, I am off as I have two left feet lol. You are a good dancer Mommy!

  5. So cute! That's a great way to keep fit even if the weather is uncooperative. I remember my daughter when she was about 4 or 5, she'd dance and do Taebo with me. Funny how kids emulate us adults. :)

  6. your kids are amazing and adorable, they do copy what do mommy does too.

  7. I am gonna wait for this video to go viral - your tandem is so nice to watch and I want to dance with the two of you.

  8. Adorable kids! And looks like so much fun!

  9. Yes the winter blues are hitting my home these days as well. I have been trying to do more indoor activities with the kiddos but they are getting older now so a little harder! Looks like you guys had lots of fun though!

  10. Very cute video! So cute when your son joined in...he was working those leg movements! I have a few Bollywood workout DVDs and I love them...they are fun and make the time go by fast. It's a good workout to have in the collection.

  11. Does look fun. :) I am so looking forward to spring arrival and outside time!!!

  12. Involving your children in your exercise routine is great all around (like you said). We are so ready for spring over here too. I try to keep my children active indoors too.

  13. What a great example you're setting, Mama!

  14. That looks like a really fun workout. Love that the kids got involved.

    Michelle F.

  15. I know exactly what you mean. I spend half my workout telling my 2 yeard old son to be careful standing on the bosou ball and not to pick up the medicine balls. But he understands what I am doing and sees me as a strong person! So it is worth the extra effort!

  16. LOL! I feel ya!! Whenever I try to do my workout videos, I have the kids under my feet trying to do them too :)

  17. Doonya looks like a fun work out! Does it have something like belly-dancing?

  18. Hello Mommy, what's your fitness guide/music on this one? I want to do more workouts with my kids too :)

  19. this is really fun!!! My darling daughter and I started doing some light work out in the mornings together too. :)

  20. I've never heard of Doonya or Bollywood, but the kids make it look fun! :) I let my kids work out with me too! :)

  21. Looks like so much fun!

  22. lol... It looks like so much fun.
    I'm not really that excited about work outs, BUT I love dancing!

  23. this looks great, it could help me improve my dancing skills because I have absolutely none lol!

  24. Sounds like fun, looks like fun, feels like fun. It must be fun. It makes me want to try it, and my daughters are into work out. Being vegan and breastfeeding helps tremendously with post-baby body recovering, but I do need to get back into a workout routine. Thank you so much!


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