Saturday, July 26, 2014

I Won't Share!

My little miss is a little bookworm and her new favorite book as of lately is a book she got from the library called "I Won't Share!". It is so cute listening to her while she flips through the pages of the book and reads the story. Or more like memorizing the lines in the story. Kids are amazing and this is what happens when you read books to them. I just think that kids are naturally born bookworms and it is up to us parents to help develop that love for books and reading. 


  1. She is so cute and you are absolutely right, it is up to us to nurture their love for reading.

  2. It's so important to foster a love for reading in our children. Thanks for sharing!

  3. She seems like she is enjoying what she is doing. That's a good thing. Reading is a good pass time.

  4. I feel you. I was like that when my daughter was small. Listening to her read was so amazing for me. A proud moment.

  5. That's so great that she enjoys reading! My little one is still too little to really appreciate books, but that doesn't mean we aren't reading to her! You're totally right that it's up to the parents to foster the love for reading! Good job mama! :)

  6. This is my favorite video of all time. She is such a smart 2 3/4 year old baby. You do a great job teaching your children.


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