-- We're a family-based business in Ann Arbor. Our focus is providing outdoor gear that plays the way kids play and helps families enjoy the outdoors.
-- The kids will be protected from the wind, snow and rain when wearing the Ducksday suit on so they can have hours and hours of fun playtime outside.
-- The kids will be protected from the wind, snow and rain when wearing the Ducksday suit on so they can have hours and hours of fun playtime outside.
Ducksday Shell/Rain Jacket (Scott)
Jacket Sizes: 6 to 10 years
Price: $65.00
Tested: 5-yr old boy
Location: Glendo, Wyoming (Hiking, Playing)
Best Use: Rain, Snow, Wind (Perfect for hiking/backpacking, beach play, snow play)
Fit: The suit is sized a little large to fit over clothing. Plenty of room so kids can move freely.
Ducksday Shell Jackets include an attached fold away hood. They have very high protective value(5000/5000) and are windproof, waterproof, and breathable.
Product Detail:
-- Velcro strips on the sleeve cuffs provide individual tightening and protection. The gear is fitted with waterproof zippers and fluorescent strips for increased visibility. The jacket folds into a hidden pocket, making it easy to take along on adventures. Coordinating shell/rain pants are available. (Scoot Jacket coordinates with Dark Red Shell/Rain Pants)
Ducksday Shell/Rain Pants (Dark Red)
Size Range: 5 to 10 years
Price: $30.00
Tested: 5-yr old boy
Location: Glendo, Wyoming (Hiking, Playing)
Best Use: Rain, Snow, Wind (Perfect for hiking/backpacking, beach play, snow play)
Fit: The suit is sized a little large to fit over clothing. Plenty of room so kids can move freely
We love the snaps at the bottom of the jacket so when at times you don't need to zip the jacket up, it won't be flapping around or won't easily come off. The snaps on the jacket and the pants are heavy duty. My husband and I couldn't get enough of how cute our little man is wearing his suit. We love it!
We went on a hike the other day along the lake on a sticky-plant-infested area and it didn't stick on to his pants. If there was, it was easy to shake them all off. Me on the other hand was busy pulling them off of my pants.
Did I mention how well the Reflector strips work?
Our Review:
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My little man wore his rain suit to the school party dressed up as a Fire Chief.
Our Review:
-- We love how cute our little man looks in his coat and jacket.
-- Just like our little girl's rain suit, this coat and jacket combo is also packed with thoughtful details. Let's start with the jacket.
-- I always appreciate a jacket with a hood that is large enough that it covers the entire head. It has an elastic on the top so it fits well and doesn't bulk up.
-- The Ducksday Jacket itself is a great idea because of its attached fold away hood, which makes the jacket handy to throw in your purse or your kid's backpack. Easy to fold away.
-- The waterproof doesn't just end on the shell part, but also the zippers. And yes it works! Just like I said with the other rain suit, their zipper pulls are adorable.
-- The fluorescent or reflector strips work great, which is very useful.
-- The end of the sleeves has Velcro so you can adjust it to fit nice and snug around the wrist to keep the warmth in.
-- Ducksday shell jacket has a liner that has an elastic on the bottom (again) to keep the warmth in. It is amazing how this jacket is created because of the details they put into it.
-- There are days when the weather doesn't need a fleece layering on and the versatility of the coat and jacket really works.
-- Ducksday products are perfect for families with children who love to be outdoors whether you are Snowshoeing, skiing, sledding, or simply playing in the backyard during the cold months. It will protect the kids from rain, wind and snow so they can have hours and hours of fun outside. Don't you wish they had it in adult sizes? You can watch my video below so you can have an idea of what the jacket and the pants really look like and their features. Once again, thank you, Ollie and Stella!
For more updates:
Follow DucksdayUSA on Facebook.
Looks like a super product. Bet he was bundled in it this morning with your 10 degrees. The reflective strips were shown so well in the photo so there is no doubt that they will work. It is very nice that the stick-tights can't stick. Your children are the cutest!
ReplyDeleteWell, he sure didn't wear his jacket and pant suit today because he'll just take it off once he gets to school plus I am afraid he will leave it there and loose it just like his other things. But sure kept him warm while on a hike last weekend. Thank you, double auntie Covina. I will have a few more photos to share of our short hike along the Glendo Lake.
Deleteaw how cute and adorable could just squish that little bug so cute
ReplyDeleteI have been looking for a rain coat like that one. If it goes into a little sack then my son is more likely to carry it. I love the reflective strips on clothing, while kids will not be outside alone at night it still helps you stay safe if you are out with them.
ReplyDeleteWhat Cuties! I love the jacket and especially the pattern, I always like that type of pattern in those colors pretty much too. :)
ReplyDeleteVery nice product, It is something that I would consider to get for my son, the light flashing is amazing, you can still see your kid when it's dark outside.
ReplyDeleteI love when they play silly in front of the camera. Nice products.
ReplyDeleteSelby makes a beautiful model for girl's clothing!
ReplyDeleteReally great for cold weather months. Kids are so bundled up.
ReplyDeleteyour models are super adorable!
ReplyDeleteollie and stella winter wear are great!